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Support Us

There are many ways you and your family, whether current co-op families or alumni, can help to support RPCP and our efforts to provide preschoolers with a great place to learn, many with no extra cost to you!​




Use when shopping on Amazon and .5% of your eligible purchase total will be donated to RPCP. The first time you use Amazon Smile you’ll be directed to choose a charitable organization, just search for Redmond Parent Cooperative Presch




Mention Redmond Parent Co-op Preschool when checking out at Everything Party and we’ll receive 10% of eligible sales










RPCP is now registered with Fred Meyer Community Rewards. Enroll your Fred Meyer or QFC Rewards Card. Once logged into your Kroger account (the account associated with either your QFC or Fred Meyer Rewards card) search for Redmond Parent Coop Preschool by name or Organization Number: LW130 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.









We also have a Shutterfly/Tinyprints Storefront which awards us 8% of sales purchased through our link

Go to our Storefront URL here –

Click through to Shutterfly or Tinyprints and start shopping





Eat pizza! Two or three times a year we’ll share a flyer to take into MOD Pizza at Bella Bottega which earns us 20% of sales accompanied by the flyer on a specific date. Watch our Facebook and Emails for a copy of the flyer.


Donate used goods. In the spring we’re hosting a Value Village FUNDrive. Value Village will pay us per pound of used merchandise we bring in (we get the most per pound of soft goods). We’ll announce the dates you can drop off items at the preschool and then the Fundraising team will take it all to Value Village at the same time.

Buy (via donation) sweets for your sweet at our Bake Sale! This sale is usually in the month of February, close to Valentine's Day. Contact us to learn more!

Like us on Facebook

Write a review of your experience on Yelp! and Facebook

We are always grateful to accept donations! Checks, toys, costumes, art supplies, etc. We even keep a "wishlist" of things we are shooting for to improve our school. Items on this list are things like a new fence that’s easier to set up on our playground and a sound system, among others.

If you are alumni, ask to be added to our alumni email list to stay up to date on our current fundraising activities. If you are not receiving these emails, and you would like to, email the Computer Chair to request to be added. Please give your name, the name of your child who attended RPCP, and what year they attended.

If your employer has a corporate matching program for donations to non-profit organizations, ask for the match if you have or will make a donation to RPCP. Microsoft, Honeywell, and Amazon have had programs such as this, there may be others! We are happy to provide our 501(c)(3) info if needed.

Word of mouth! If you enjoyed your time at RPCP, please recommend us to your friends, family, and co-workers who are looking for quality preschool education for their children!

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