What Is Co-op?
Redmond Parent Cooperative Preschool's mission is to foster the development of a strong family unit by involving parents in the early education of their children and in their own education as parents.
RPCP is a cooperative Parent Education Program, affiliated with Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech). Our primary goal is to supply you with useful parenting information, while at the same time providing a creative and nurturing environment in which your child can grow and learn. At RPCP, our children learn from their environment, each other, their teachers, and other adults. With parents and teachers working together, and parents helping and learning from one another, all of our children will benefit.

You make it work! The success and value of any parent cooperative Preschool depends on the conscientious effort of each parent. Under the guidance of LWTech instructors, parents gain insight into the behavior of their child in particular, as well as children in general. RPCP is a serious educational project for both parent and child, requiring dedication and commitment of time, talent, and energy of each individual member. The benefits for you and your child will more than compensate for the day-to-day work involved in keeping the Preschool functioning.
RPCP strives to provide quality education and serves families from diverse backgrounds. Joining co-op means joining a network of supportive families who are also working to give their children superior learning experiences while continuing to grow themselves. Co-op parents have the privilege of seeing their children interact in a classroom setting. Co-op children benefit from witnessing the spirit of mutual helpfulness modeled by theirs and other parents.
Monthly parent education classes are designed to help you increase your understanding and enjoyment of your child's development. Your weekly involvement in the Preschool classroom allows you to share new friends and experiences with your child. We also have books in our library (both parent education and children's titles) that you can check out. Each month you will have the opportunity to purchase top quality books through our Scholastic Book Program.
RPCP is run by a Board of Trustees. The Board consists of ten executive Board members and a Parent Leader from each class. All positions are voluntary and held by members of the cooperative, including Alumni. The RPCP Standing Rules and Bylaws in the RPCP Handbook can be found here for your review. The Board generally meets the 3rd Monday of each month at the school. The Board of Trustees is here to serve you, and welcomes your input.
Board of Trustees
Redmond Parent Cooperative Preschool