Snack Serendipity
The best ways to get kids to try new foods is to make it fun and creative, or let them help you make it! Being the kitchen parent at...

A Floss-inating Day!
Yesterday, we had a fun-filled 3s in-class field trip to the "dentist's office" to learn all about teeth, cavities, and good brushing and...

Earthworm Exploration
At our in-school 3s field trip last week, educators from Oxbow Farms brought the farm to us and taught us all about earthworms! The kids...

Practicing the Gift of Giving
What better way to practice thinking about others than to ask a friend what they like and pick a gift for them? Every year before winter...

Let It Snow!
Winter is here at co-op! For snow week, our kids got to a tactile treat using baking soda and shaving cream to make snow! And what snow...